9:00 - Reception of the participants
9:30 - Conference opening
Dr. Domingos Bragança (Câmara Municipal de Guimarães)
Eng. Pimenta Machado (Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente)
Dr.ª Rosário Azevedo (CIM-Ave)
Dr. Jorge Brito (CIM-Coimbra)
Prof. Paulo Cruz (Universidade do Minho/Laboratório da Paisagem)
Prof. Alexandre Tavares (Universidade de Coimbra/Cetro de Estudos Sociais)
Dr. Jean François Berthomieu (RiskAquaSoil - Project Leader)
10:00 - "The challenges of adapting water resources, agriculture and forests to climate change in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region"
Filipe Duarte Santos (FCUL & Scientific Board of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change)
10:30 - "Forest Fires 2017 in Portugal in the context of climate change"
Domingos Xavier Viegas (DEM-UC & Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics)
11:00 - Coffee-break
11:30 - "ENAAC 2020: Integration the Climate Change Adaptation in the sectorial policies and in the various territorial scales"
José Paulino (Portuguese Environment Agency - Department of Climate Change)
12:00 - "Climate Change is making unimaginable weather real: How can you be proactive with Risk-AquaSoil?"
Jean François Berthomieu (Association Climatologique de la Moyenne Garonne et du Sud-Ouest/RiskAquaSoil - Project Leader)
12:30 - Lunch Break
14:15 - Presentation Block A
"Changing land management to protect us from floods, droughts and pollution"
Laurence Couldrick (Westcountry Rivers Trust)
"Quantifying the soil erosion risks in agriculture fields by means of on-the-ground and remote sensing tools"
Diego Intrigliolo (Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
"Erosion risk variation over the 4 river basins of lot-et-Garonne. Preparation of the winter work"
Julia James (Association Climatologique de la MoyenneGaronne et du Sud-Ouest)
"The influence of forest fires on the geochemistry of superficial waters in the context of climate change"
Mário Sequeira (Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra/DCT-UC)
15:30 - "Global operational monitoring of changing forest ecosystems"
Vasco Mantas (University of Coimbra/Project FOCUS)
15:50 - Coffee-break
16:20 - "Climate Services for Water and Agriculture Sustainability"
Cláudia Pascoal (University of Minho/Project CLIMALERT)
17:00 - Presentation Block B
"Actualization of a climatic tendencies study"
Patrick Debert (Association Climatologique de la MoyenneGaronne et du Sud-Ouest)
"Actualization of local scenarios of Climate Change in Andalucía in the 5th report of IPCC, and its application in the adaptation policies"
Juan José Álvarez (Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía)
"How to analyze and advise a farmer on the economic risks related to climate change? Test of a simulation tool"
Florent Wieczorek (Chambre d'Agriculture de la Dordogn)
"A Discrete Choice Experiment on Farmers Preferences for Climate Change Adaptation"
Edel Doherty (National University of Ireland, Galway)
"AquaBioScape - Monitoring of Urban Waterlines - Guimarães"
Ricardo Martins (Landscape Laboratory)
17:45 - Discussion Space
19:00 - Closing Session