Climate Change

Local Resilience & Global Scenarios

The Climate Change International conference is held to promote awareness for the territorial impacts of the sea level rise. Key agents on governance, innovation, risk management and climate changes will be invited in order to promote a multi-framework discussion and an effective dissemination of good practices. An interactive approach through the creation of work groups will be focused on dissemination, capitalization and co-creation of strategic guidelines. This conference comes as part of the Risk AquaSoil project.

Who we are

  • Association Climatologique de la Moyenne Garonne et du Sud-Ouest (France)
  • Chambre d'Agriculture de la Dordogn (France)
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
  • Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía (Spain)
  • Westcountry Rivers Trust (England)
  • Laboratório da Paisagem (Portugal)
  • Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
  • National University of Ireland (Ireland)

Risk AquaSoil

Risk AquaSoil aims to develop a comprehensive plan and joint initiative for an efficient risk management and an enhanced resilience of the Atlantic rural areas. Through transnational cooperation, the project partners will combat the adverse effects of the climate change, especially on agricultural lands. This integral plan will entail three stages linked to the three specific objectives:

1. Early warning & diagnosis:

Testing new low-cost remote techniques to measure and forecast the local impact of different meteorological phenomena, resulting in a better early detection system in rural areas. Diagnosis activity will be enlarged with climate scenarios and forecasts and the improvement of climate information services to farmers.

2. Implementation & adaptation:

Developing pilot actions in agricultural lands that will permit a better soil and water management taking in to account the risks associated to climate change.

3. Capacity building & dissemination:

Training and commitment of local communities and farmers for an increasing capacity building, information and cooperation in risk management and damage compensation systems.

Outputs & Results

17 Pilot actions, including:

  • Maritime areas;
  • Soil erosion management;
  • Small storm catchment;
  • Farm management practices.

13 Policy, strategy and operational instruments

  • Creation of an Atlantic Climate Change Lab, a think-tank for improving the resilience to climate and nature changes;
  • The Joint Action Plan for Atlantic Risk Management associated to climate change and agriculture.

1490 Participants in actions for the dissemination and capitalization

Technical and scientific publications

  • Climate change adaptation and risk prevention in the Atlantic rural areas;
  • Remote sensing techniques application;
  • Best practices in soil and water management for agricultural purposes;
  • Elaboration of climate change scenarios.